MGH sessions are either one-to-one or in small groups. This allows for an open and trusting and playful relationship with each student who feels at home with a caring mentor. Sounds all too mushy for a philosophy?

Well, here are three foundational layers that put each MGH session on a solid ground without sacrificing the easy-going approach.

Vertical - Structure of Math

Each year students build one floor of big mathematical building. Its structure resembles an upside down pyramid with fundamental concept/skill at its bottom and progressively more advanced and applied layers adding on top.

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Lateral - Spider Web

A fundamental concept is often interconnected with many others. Fraction relates to division, decimals, percentage, ratios, and on. As a student progresses, more and more connections are made in their brain, the stronger their knowledge become.

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Spiral Learning Pattern

Rather than jumping off from one topic to another never looking back, MGH students revisit each topic in subsequent years, building farther reaching lateral connections, and gain deeper understanding.

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Each student will therefore explore this multi-dimensional mathematical structure somewhat following a spiral trajectory. The shape and pacing of the excursion will of course differ as it adapts to each student's need and readiness.

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